Like many of us I become a bit reflective about past years when the new one is upon me. And within that old cliche, saying something about turning the page, I think about all the landmarks that have trickled out of the spout which has been my life's experience - contemplating them through countless meanderings of introspection.
At this time my cultural heritage suggests I'm supposed to revolutionize some aspects of my life by way of making New Year's Resolutions. Thus making me a better person through their fruition. This is always about two things. Giving up something or embracing something. And so from now on I'm going to or not going to, blah, blah, and blah. For me this is a wholly nonsensical tradition. I don't think I have ever accomplished a cold turkey anything. Real change for the better in my life has always been preceded by lots of screwing up and for the most part it's been a drawn out evolution of trials and tribulations, blah, blah, and blah aside. It's been my experience too, that in the realm of personal change one essential constant seems to be required - it needs to permeate all else - and that is my undivided attention. Huge concept, undivided attention! My daily life divides me into so many parts that I often find myself in that pitching or catching conundrum. Separating me from my heart's desired pursuit - bullying me around under the lash of responsibilities. That, life got in the way thing.
Through Facebook, this past year, I've hooked up with some old friends I haven't seen in decades. Boy some reflecting there I'll tell you. They see that the majority of my Facebook posts revolve around the painting that I've been doing. A number of them have told me that they still have some piece of art work that I did eons ago and they have sent me pictures of them hanging in their homes. Frankly I've been taken aback at seeing them. Not because they are all that good or that someone has held onto them all this time but because when I look at them anew they appear to be honest to me. Then the lament begins. Where would my painting be today had I not put down the brush some forty plus years ago because life got in the way?
I'm showing a number of them here recently reunited with my eyes through social media and two that I have held onto all these years myself because their embodiment is so endearing to me.